Actually, I was aiming for 75 km this weekend, but some tours are more strenuous than expected and plans are usually only there to be changed. So in the end it was a 60 km weekend, which I can be more than satisfied with. To achieve this, I was on the road again for three …
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What is a 10-20-30 weekend? It’s simple: 10 km hike on Friday, 20 km hike on Saturday and 30 km hike on Sunday. Sounds easy enough at first, but I’ve added a few challenges in the meantime. Starting with the Streak Running I held back with the hikes for a while. I was still on the road, but mostly only once per weekend and usually only about 20 km. That should change a bit with this weekend, without interrupting my Streak. It was not easy, but doable. Where I was and what I saw, you can see in the following sections.
Despite knee pain I had decided to do the 60 km. The knee was bandaged and as it turned out the least problem within those 60 km. The only thing I did not achieve that day was to stay under 10 hours, but I think even with 10 hours 40 minutes, I can be very satisfied.